At the end of each season, we do a Haiku contest.
The rules are: come up with a Haiku that says something about the Blue Jays.
A haiku is a three-line poem with seventeen syllables, written in a 5/7/5 syllable count.
Rec the ones you like. In a week or so, we’ll take the five that get the most recs and vote on which is best.
The winner gets…… nothing except for the warm fuzzy feeling that comes from being the poet laureate for Bluebird Banter.
Make it somewhat relate to Jays, nothing too nasty, but have fun with it.
Something like:
Blue Jays offense was
Pretty Pathetic except
For Vlad Guerrero
One Knee Catchers We
Are Told Continuously Can’t Block
Pitches, But They Do
Or, you know, something good.