Happy Thanksgiving
We are having our meal tonight. All the boys and their extras will be there. We aren’t doing the turkey thing, as none of us are big fans of turkey, so we have a prime rib roast.
Our tradition is to go around the table to say what we are thankful for.
The easy one for me is family. I’m thankful my immediate family is healthy, happy, and doing well. I’m lucky to watch my boys grow into men I like to be around.
I’m thankful for friends who put up with me, even at my grumpiest. Who are willing to have lunch or a drink or whatever with me . I’m luckier than I deserve.
I’m thankful for continued health, being reasonably competitive in tennis and squash, and avoiding injuries.
As always, I’m thankful for this place, which keeps me sane. Even in bad years, it is a good place to be. I get to hear interesting opinions and jokes that are, on occasion, actually funny. I never figured I’d be doing this so many years later, but I still enjoy it.
I’m thankful for the Blue Jays, even during seasons that don’t turn out how we’d like. There are always good moments. Even in the worst games, there will be good plays and moments. Always enjoy the good moments.
I’m thankful for good playoff baseball, I’d be more thankful if the Damn Yankees would just lose, but I’m enjoying the games.
Share what you are thankful for in the comments.